Friday, June 6, 2008

Last Day of School/First Day of Summer

Today was the official last day of my sophmore year! We only were in school until 10:45 but we still had to go to all of our classes, completely pointless! However, i got to drive to school for the first time and even drive my best friend home with me after, which is a really huge step for my parents.
After school was pretty much the greatest way to start off a summer. I got to hang out with my three best friends, go to the mall, eat pizza, swim, tan, and watch stick it! It was amazing. Though all that fun did have consequences, now its pretty late and i still have to write a bible study for dance and finish a book and i have to wake up at 8 tomorrow morning :/ uggghhh!
Im going to go shower and then get on that but i really promise i'll write about something interesting very very soon!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wow, i havent written in forever! But i've been super busy.
-school, ugh.
-finals, sucked and i did reaallyy bad on them, i promise.
-reading :]]]
-dance, every saturday morning :\
-and movieessss!!
its the end of the school year/start of summer and i've really been trying to enjoy it. i've been doing a lot of swimming and tanning, and trying to convince my parents to let me drive alone, which, as of late, i have been moderately successful in doing so.
I've also been trying to brush up on my writing. I enjoy it soooo much it's just extremely hard to find time to write and also be feeling creative/imaginative/and have fresh ideas.
im still waiting for the dark knight to come out; im reallly dying to see it!
today was a really crappy day, i had finals, which i did poorly on, plus it rained the entire day and was extremely humid. And i also have to wake up for school tomorrow morning and the next even though there's absolutely nothing left to do...ugh highschool.
thats pretty much all i have to say for now but since summer is nearly here, there will be more to come and hopefully it will be